Something's wrong with our human! We think she is sick!! She said she is not up to blogging for us. That's the reason that we have not been visiting you. Do you think we should get ourselves a new "secretary" to do the job?
We have to beg her to help us with this post. We have to thank all our friends who have supported us with your kind words and those who have voted for us in Honey's Dancing With The Doggie Stars. We were awarded the Terrific Teamwork! Award. This award has meant so much to us because it was our first attempt in doggie dancing. We have never dreamt that we can dance too!!

The rules to accepting this award are
- Thank and link back to the person who awarded this to you.
- Link posts by you and ten fellow bloggers that you find inspirational.
- Forward the award to those ten fellow bloggers.
Since our "secretary" is not up to it, we'll just have to keep this award on hold for the time being.

Congrats on all of your awards!
I saw your dancing video and was amazed at how Auntie Diana was able to control all of you so well. You each waited your turn. My boys sure wouldn't have done that! bol
You are great at dancing. And there is no higher compliment then getting an award from Erin. Good job
Congwatulations Chwissmuss ,Happy, Jingle Bell and Pinky and youw hoomom too fow that wondewful dancing awawd!!1
I think you wewe all wondewful and I don't know anyone else who could do it in such a bootiful owdewly way, so yes I think fow many weasons you awe all vewy inspiwational!!!!
thank you fow being my fwiend
smoochie kisses
Congrats on your awards - very special, aren't they? We loved your dance - so much hard work and such great results. We are just so amazed at how well you all listen and wait your turn. We hope you will do many more dances.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Congratulations in your awards. Do you believe you may need a new secretary!! You better start looking
Benny & Lily
Congrats in your awards! It was very well deserved!
Thor and Jack
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Congratulations on your Terrific Teamwork Award in Honey's DWTDS contest! You guys did indeed do a terrific, well-coordinated dance.
Maybe Beckham and Bobby would like to dance, too? You could do leg weaves under Beckham :)
Jed & Abby
Congratulation for the awards! You guys did a great job and worth the awards :)
Congratulations on your awards - you definitely are an inspiration and your teamwork was first class. Maybe your human is just really tired after all that training work. Give her lots of schnauzer snuffles to make her feel better. Love from Magic xx
Diana, referring to the cake recipe: the cup of butter: our butter comes in 1/2 cup 'sticks', so I used 2 of sticks. Each 1/2 stick is 113 grams. So, you would need 226 grams of butter. I let mine sit out for awhile until it is soft, much easier to mix into the sugar. I hope this helps! I will add the gram measurement to my recipe. Thanks for stopping by.
congratulations..I hope she feels like blogging again soon..miss yall..
Just stopped by to say thank you for your kind words regarding my father's passing. It meant a lot.
Nice videos, I have a great time in watching it. you look so nice and pretty! :)
Dog Fence
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