We are all very happy with our new sleeping arrangement that we got to show you. Since we got our new bed here, we have marked our spots. Pinky takes her spot next to Aunty Diana's pillow, Happy gladly takes up the space on the right and I, on the left of Aunty Diana. Jingle Bell thinks she got the BEST spot....between Aunty Diana's legs! And she would rest her neck on one of Aunty Diana's legs! Yes, that's how Jingle Bell sleeps every night!!
Do you get to share your human's bed?

I sleep in the middle right between my people!
I'm glad you all get the bed now.
Nubbin wiggles,
Oh Boy
That is pawfect!!!1
I love how you have all awwanged youwselves..I sleep on the bed wif mommi and Daddi always , at least evew since i gwew up and was totally potty twained..i nevew have accidentses eithew
smoochie kisses
how does Aunt Diana sleep???LOL...Nolan and Jake sometimes sleep with us...mostly Jake when it is cold...he likes to get as close as he can...Nolan likes to sleep at the end of the bed...during the day they think the bed is there's...and that they are only letting us use it at night...
That bed is big enough to fit another 5 of you! Yes, we got to share hoomie Melissa's bed everyday but she doesn't really like us sleeping on it actually because she says we put dirt, sand & fur on it. Hmpf!
You are very lucky pups to get to be in that big bed. Our humans say no to us but mainly because they don't want one of us to bump Dad in the face and hurt his problematic eyes. But it's OK, we love our big beds and crates in our room - the kitchen.
Happy snuggling with Aunty Diana.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh, I just luvs your sleeping arrangements! It looks like everybuddy is cozy and comfy. (But, uh, between you and me? I think Aunty Diana needs to gain some weight. She's practically a STICK!)
We like to snuggle on the bed with mom and dad but when it comes to sleeping time, we go sleep in our condos. Our pawrents just toss and turn TOO much!
Wiggles & Wags,
Good thing Auntie Diane is soooo skinny......BOL!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Oh my goodness, hysterical. Bet auntie wakes up sore with cramps like momma
Benny & Lily
Sure is pawesome that everyone of you has your own spot on the big bed!
Not so sure your Auntie enjoys it a lot!
The big bed here belongs to me... and I let my mom sleep on it... and I like to change places with her during the night! Hmmm...
Kisses and hugs
Very nice! I sleep with my parents every night. And when they forget to lift me on the bed, I bark until they wake up.
Your pal, Pip
I LOVE the stick figure. Too funny!
Remus and Riley get to sleep with my husband when I am not there and he and the puppies love it.
I am the mean, mean Mommy who won't let the puppies sleep when I am there.
The children are waiting for the puppies to get a little older so they can sleep together.
I started off in my jail (they call it a playpen) in the family room. Then I made it to my puppy bed next to mum and dad's bed. THEN, the final step! I now sleep between them, and often wake up under the covers with my head on their pillows.....BLISS! My mum thought that she would not have me on the big bed, but I WON THAT BATTLE! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.
Aunty Diana, you are quite skinny! Our Schnauzer, MAX always slept with our son and daughter. With the daughter at night, and then, he would sleep on the son's bed when the son was gone to school. I miss my Schnauzer, 'MAX'.
That's one big cozy bed I must say... and you guys are doing a good job snuggling up to Aunt Diana for some TLC ;)
Licks, hero
Oh, girls, you have found all the best spots to sleep - I must try them myself.
I usually sleep in the corner of the bed near my human's feet, but sometimes I move up to the pillow and sleep with my bottom against her face.
Puppy kisses
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