What have we got in this bag?

Ouch! It has lots of thorns!

The human said it's the "King of fruits"....

A little bit of the durian flesh...

That smells good...

Give that to me!

Yes, yes, I like it!

What about you guys?

We have to taste it before we can tell...but can you tell from our faces?

Yes, we love the durian!
I know us dogs will eat anything, but gosh, not sure about that stuff???
gosh....toro and i love it so much,,,..but too bad...we cant have it....
Hmm, we don't know of that fruit here. I'm glad you all enjoyed it!
Nubbin wiggles,
We bet it smelled GOOD to you! We've never tried it, but it's reputation of smell is well known.
Looks like you guys REALLY LOVE it.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Oh, boy! I sure can tell how much you luuuuuved that fruit. I've never even heard of it before. Does it taste like a mango? I like mangos. (The fruit, not the mastiff. Although I likes the mastiff, too.)
Wiggles & Wags,
That looks like jackfruit!
Thor and Jack
Chwissmuss, Happy, Jingle Bell and Pinky
I have nevew had a Duwian befowe.Fwom the look on youw faces, it must be vewy vewy good. You could do ads fow it
smoochie kisses
What does that taste like? I've seen it around, but never tried any. Interesting that the puppies like it! Oscar doesn't get anything that exotic...apples and bananas are about it! :)
We had never heard of durian and so we googled it. We read that it has a very distinctive odor, some find it nice, others hate it. But we will take your word for it tasting good.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I have never seen such a fruit, but it sure looks good.
Your pal, Pip
I've never heard of it...looks like yall like it...
Stinky durian!
I can see you all liked it!
Kisses and hugs
Holy macaroni what is that stuff
Benny & Lily
We learn something new almost every day. And we like it that way. Durian. We're guessing we'd like it, too!
Much love. Tail wags. And thanks.
Jake and Fergi
My mum is looking puzzled - she says she has never had that fruit.... might look for it in tropical fruit season now though! Your faces gave you all away - obviously a hit! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.
*"Hey Mom, when are you getting the smell-heavenly fruit again???!!"*
Yummy,yummy!! I love durians too!! Wish I could join you and have some of it too ^^
Love ya,
Jon Terry
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