These are the cookies that Aunty Diana has been baking. They are White Chocolate Chips and Nuts Cookies, Ghee Cookies and the other variation, Snowball, Pineapple Rolls and Cornflake Cookies.

Hey, Minnie, what are you doing there?

Get off the table! You are not supposed to be on the table. Get off, right now!!

Mmmm...that smells good, Mummy. Do I get to eat it?

Mmmm....yummy....can I have another one please?

Yes, yes, I want it!!

How about those, Mummy? Can I have one of those too?

Minnie, quick, eat it! It's good.

What do you think, Minnie? Do you like it?

What does that face tell you?
YUMMY....and that SMILE says it all Minnie!
My mom/person is going to make me some cookies..she promised! Peanut Butter ones! I can't wait!
Enjoy your treats!
Paws UP!
GUS (who is reeeely hungry for a COOKIE NOW!)
Yum yum, how lucky are you to get to try those biscuits, you are going to have a good time at New Year!
Wags and kisses, Dinah Bridget and Elliot xx
She likes it!!!!! Hey guys we have been missing you a lot. Please don't be strangers!
Riley and Star.
Aunty Diana sure has been busy, look at all those cookies!
Never heard of Ghee Cookies before.
I'm going to a friend's house tonight and we're going to make sugar cookies!
Those look nummy! The hoomans don't give us any of their nummies. You are so furry lucky!
Chihuahua kisses,
The Munchkins
Nummy!! Those cookies look delish Santa!!!
Oh how we wish we could have one of those cookies or two or three or four or five or...
The pictures are making me drool, Santa. You gals are lucky to have such delicious home-baked cookies.
Licks, hero
Oh boy, how wonderful to have all of those cookies!!
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