We would like to share another natural remedy for skin problems. This is Juliette de Bairacli Levy’s Lemon Skin Tonic from her book, The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat, that Aunty Diana found in the internet.
We have used 3 whole lemons to 1.5 litres of water. (Or you can use 1 lemon to 500 ml of water)
We have sprayed this lemon solution on Minnie and she smells fresh and it helps with her itch. She doesn't scratch as much.
Mummy has also used this solution to sponge all over Beckham's body for his skin problems. Beckham has body odor and this lemon skin tonic helps.
A word of caution, be careful not to spray into the eyes.
Hi Santa - we do like it when you post helpful remedies like this, we're gonna try this as we like the idea of being less pongy sometimes, he he he! We'd like to send big cuddles out to Aunty Diana and say thank you for sharing - wishwish we had a great Aunty like you!! Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
WOW ! i will try this on milky . :D thanks for the remedy (: hehes . :D
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