
Oops, see how fast she comes over to my bowl when she has not even clean her bowl yet...

I have not even had enough...

and she has taken over my bowl!!

Hmmph...can I have some more please, Aunty Diana?

Minnie has finished every bit of it from my bowl!!

See how greedy she is...

From my bowl to her bowl... my bowl again...

...back to hers...

...then to mine again...

...hers again...

...back to mine and she has cleaned up her bowl...

...and see how clean my bowl is...

Aunty Diana, you don't have to wash the bowls, see how squeaky clean they are!!
What a great post! He he he - good girl Minnie, you're a pup after our own hearts! You're fortunate that Santa is so generous and lets you snack on her last few mothfuls! Tail wags - JD and Max.
hahas . interesting and funny post . milky also very greedy too (: hahas .
*giggles, how adorable minnie is!!! Santa, you have to eat even faster next time!
best regards
So cute Minnie is, just like my Chico and Boey, after finish keep on exchange bowl and mummy don't need to wash their bowl daily.
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