Shh...the baby's sleeping...

Sleeping on her side...

Sleeping on her back, paws up...

Sleeping with eyes half shut...

With Bunny in bed...

Side by side with Bunny...

Minnie's "kung fu" in action...

With Dinosaur as companion in bed...

Sleeping under my chair...

and the chair cover "says"...
Hi Santa - thanks for sharing those photos of Minnie, she's adorable! And how lovely you are to let her sleep on your bed, you're one great big sis! Tail wags - JD and Max
So tiny, hehe if not mistaken Lex is bigger right?
oh, i think minnie is really adorable! She had so many different patters while sleeping
best regards
hahas . your minnie is adorable . (: so cute !
Hey Santa, busy puppysitting huh!!
slurpy licks,
Hi Twinkle, Minnie is still small so she sleeps most of the time...thank God! Otherwise, she'll be chasing me around the house. She's such a monster during her waking hours!
so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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