What does this look like?

A puppy and a toy doggie...

Look at those ears!!

Don't you think they are as big as Bunny's?

Snuggling up in the crate...

Oh my, what a boney pup!!

Enjoying the outside view...

Being good in front of the camera...

Another pretty pose...

On the "throne"...

Oops, what happen to that ear?

Well, guess who is this puppy?

That's me!!
You almost got us !! HAHA !
You're so cute !
oh, how adorable! no wonder, at first i was wondering ... why did the pup look so similar to Santa, turns out it was you!
best regards
You grew a lot! I loved all your baby photos!
adorable...just like a little grey bunny...
Santa, u have d big ears in town, my idol :)muack!
Ha!Ha!Ha! I almost got all of you, right?
Santa - what a sweet little puppy you were. And what a pretty young lady you have grown up to be! Who could resist those ears - we can't, we love 'em! Much love - JD and Max.
I thought you got another bro or but soon your ears tell thats you. haha
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